Taking Care of Data
Consents and
Confirmations Module
Ensure legal aspects in the company. Be sure that all designated employees will acquaint themselves with expected documents and collect confirmations in electronic form.
Administrators gain access to reports that you can generate with just one click. In this way, you will have a comprehensive overview of who has already accepted new regulations and who needs to be reminded.
Certainty of Acquaintance
The module is designed so that employees cannot skip consent or confirmation. The information appears immediately upon launching emplo.
Versioning of Consents
Regulations or provisions tend to change. In emplo, you can update data in real-time without deleting previous versions.
Which documents can you transfer to emplo?
Do you want to organize an image campaign? It requires consent from each employee for the use of their image. Do you intend to print so many forms? No! Use the dedicated module and handle it remotely. See which forms’ functions you can use with this module.

Sample confirmations of acquaintances with documents that you can obtain through emplo:
- Work Regulations
- Remuneration Regulations
- Mobile Phone Usage Policy
- Fleet Vehicle Policy
- Personal data processing information for employees (in line with GDPR requirements)
Sample consents that you can acquire through emplo requiring Yes/No responses:
- Consent to use the image of the employee
- Consent to participate in Exit Interview after termination of employment
- Consent to participate in psychological tests
- Confidentiality statement
- Declaration of confidentiality of personal data

Administrator panel
Data archive
All outdated or obsolete documents remain in the system. Simply archive them so they no longer appear to users. You can return to them at any time and prepare a dedicated report to check who confirmed familiarity with, for example, regulations earlier.
Instance settings
Assurance of familiarity
Each assigned user will see an active consent or declaration. The system is designed not to skip any of them.
Immediately after logging in, the employee will be directed to a dedicated window with materials. Reusing emplo is only possible after accepting consent, which occurs after reviewing the document.

Employee card
Information for the employee
You can be sure no one will miss the test. Once assigned, the employee will receive a notification on emplo as a task to complete and an email message. You also don’t have to remember reminders – emplo will send out information to the right people a day before the end.
Mobile Application
Mobile support
We have also prepared a mobile version of the consents and confirmations module for employees of production companies, service premises, or sales points.
Every employee who does not have access to the browser version can review the required documents on their phone.

Add all functionalities to the instance!
- Creator for administrators.
- Constant preview of consents expressed from the employee's profile.
- Consent versioning.
- Intuitive employee selection system and quick add entire company function.
- Inactive drafts for easy modification.
- Reports per consent and per employee.
- Archive of outdated consents.

Discover other modules
Managing the company in a virtual environment becomes much simpler with emplo. We have divided the 3 areas where we support our users – internal communication, process digitalization, and employee management – into many practical modules. You don’t have to choose all of them.
Discover what else you can activate today, apart from consents and confirmations…
All information about the salary history in one place.
» Employee and team salary history.
» Salary reports per employee, team, and company.
» Ability to import documents for all employees.
Private documents
Send contracts and tax forms through the practical module. Be sure they won't fall into the wrong hands.
» Practical organization of company documents.
» Audits with confirmation of receiving/downloading documents.
» Own player.
Employee's individual development plan
Select and plan development actions, apply for funding, and optimize the development process.
» Continuous monitoring of development goals.
» Long- and short-term development goals.
» Identifying development areas based on skills and competencies along with expected outcomes.