Instantly create reports on all employees and their salaries. Prepare summaries and analyses even easier!
Salary history
Every employee has access to their salary history. Track how your salary has changed over the years.
Team information
Want to compare employee salaries in the team? Check out the dedicated tab that comes with the module!
New tab
Constant view of salary history
Each emplo user using the platform equipped with this module gains an additional, dedicated salary tab on the employee card. You will find information about your salaries along with a custom comment. You can track your entire employment history from the very beginning.
Team salaries
Information for leaders and managers
Considering a raise for one of the team members? Want to equalize salaries for all specialists in the team? With this module, it’s even easier. All information is presented on a clear dashboard.
Access is only available to users who manage a team.
Chart of the budget allocated for salaries in the team.
Information about the salary of each team member along with their position.
History of salary changes within the team.
Administrative profile
No ambiguities
Employ administrators have significantly more capabilities than other Emplo users. Individuals with access to dedicated administrator profile can manage platform settings such as permissions, team and employee structure, and evaluation schemes.
With the payroll module, administrators have access to salary report for all employees. Includes data such as: first and last name, team, company, position, date of last promotion, as well ascurrent salary. Additionally, you can check dedicated, separate sheet with the company’s salary history.
Automatic reports
Preparing documentation has never been easier!
Don’t waste time preparing salary reports. Collect all the data in just a few seconds! Depending on your level of permissions, you have access to reports generated automatically by the system.
You can generate data about: a single employee, a team , you manage, or about the entire company.
You can open the
universal .XLSX format on multiple devices – including mobile ones.
Integration with accounting systems
Integrated part of the intranet
The emplo platform allows integration with other systems used in your organization. We offer various types of integrations enabling a wider range of activities in digitizing processes, including dedicated accounting software such as a salary program.
Want to learn more?
Expand your company’s capabilities by moving processes and key aspects to a virtual environment. The versatile emplo platform, can assist you in these efforts, allowing you to customize it according to your business needs. Choose modules from the areas of process digitalization, process digitalization and employee development management.
Create employee e-files in compliance with GDPR rules and ensure proper data security.
» Audit function and automatic notifications of received documents.
» Mass import of files for all employees.
»Individual document sets for all employees.
Create a list of all company resources. Supervise who has access to them and until when.
» Resource reservation function.
» Any configuration of resource access levels.
» Dedicated caretakers with the ability to modify and update resource information.